The Acentos Review May 2012
Sergio Ortiz is a retired educator, poet, painter, and photographer. He has a B.A. in English literature, and a M.A. in philosophy. Flutter Press released his debut chapbook, At the Tail End of Dusk, in October of 2009. Ronin Press released his second chapbook: topography of a desire, in May of 2010. Avantacular Press released his first photographic chapbook: The Sugarcane Harvest, May 2010. He is a three-time nominee for the 2010 and 2011 Sundress Best of the Web Anthology and a 2010 Pushcart nominee.
2 Poems


Stolen rhododendrons in my hand—
the old imperfections of a heart at large.

I draw near my rope’s end shrunk to common size,
ignored in this tawdry harbor, hidden like a lizard,

beaten by history’s hazardous lack of action.
Unlucky hero born in the province of the stuck record
where the most watchful tailors go jobless
and scissor cut their own patterns.  

Blameless children stand looking 
at a field of horses, necks bent, 

tails streaming against the green 
backdrop of sycamores.


Lonely among 
petals pale as death—
no hand to remove 
the frost.   I slip out 
of my skin into 
another time when
there are no torments, 
Adam by my side,
Aztec warrior 
ready to flatter me
with a piece of 
my enemy’s heart.
When I fall 
for his charms 
no harm comes to me
as his salt melts
on my tongue
and I burn.