Karina Diaz


Karina Diaz lives in Los Angeles, California where she is a child care center Site Supervisor and Curriculum Coordinator and continues her work as a creative writer. 

Aquí no hay suicidios

There are never any suicides.

A fourteen-year-old girl disappears on her way to the maquiladora.
There are no missing posters.
Her mother patrols unfamiliar streets.
The police will not look.
Her daughter will not be found.
She joins forty-six nameless faces.
Las desaparecidas. 

A boy crosses the Rio Grande.
A rusted St. Anthony medallion rests in the back pocket of his patched jeans. 

There were dirt roads marred with gravel. Mango and avocado trees. The occasional
rabid dog. Stray cats. Scorpions. Sunday mass every hour on the hour.

There were never any suicides.   

© The Acentos Review 2018