Lau Malaver

Los Colores de la X, Laura Malaver

Lau is a Latinx, genderqueer performer and scholar. Lau’s life has been informed by transitions, movement, barriers, borders. Though difficult at times, such crossings of borders and liminal spaces have encouraged resiliency, and have opened avenues for rethinking authenticity and embodiment of identities as fundamental characteristics by which to survive. Lau has straddled borders in the U.S. ever since, after coming out as gay, and after finding storytelling and narrative as an outlet of expression and liberation. Lau writes fiction as a form of liberation, is an educator, scholar, and performer. They are currently a PhD student in the Department of Comparative Ethnic Studies focusing on projects of racialized transnational crossings informed by decoloniality. 

© The Acentos Review 2018